Crusader Kings III Dev Diary

Crusader Kings III Dev Diary 9: Succession and Ambitions

Crusader kings 3 is a game that centers around the development of crown princes, dukes, and barons. These individuals are your overlord and are in charge of allocating resources to their vassals under them, as well as ruling their own lands. If you want to be successful at crusader kings 3, you need to learn how to properly manage your holdings and deal with succession mechanics in the game.

What is Crusader Kings III?

Crusader Kings III is a strategy game where you rule an entire kingdom, from the lows of anarchy to the highs of stability. As your dynasty progresses and your realm grows, you must carefully consider who you appoint to key positions of power and what ambitions you may have for your kingdom.

In this dev diary, we’re going to be talking about the new ambition system in CK3, which will help players make decisions about who they want to invest their resources into and how they want their kingdom to grow.

We’ve been working on this feature for a while now, and we’re really happy with the results. Ambitions give players a lot more control over their dynasty and how it progresses. They also add an extra layer of strategy to the game, as you need to think about how best to fulfil each ambition while still keeping your realm stable. Keep reading: Blue exorcist season 3

Introduction to Ambitions

In Crusader Kings III, each character has two ambitious traits – ambitions towards piety and ambitions towards wealth. These ambitions can lead to many different outcomes, including gains in power, land, and prestige. In this dev diary, we’ll explore how the game handles succession and how your character’s ambitions affect their prospects for success.

When your character dies, their children inherit their ambition points and any prestige they had earned during their life. Children will also inherit any claims they may have made on other characters’ lands or titles. If there are no children alive when a character dies, their land and titles will go to the closest living relative (usually a brother or sister).

Your character’s ambitions play an important role in determining the course of their successor’s life. For example, if your character is ambitious towards piety, their son might become a holy man even if he doesn’t have any military experience. If your character is ambitious towards wealth, their son might become a grand noble even if he doesn’t have many peasants working for him. Discover the cameron diaz height.

How do Ambitions work?

In Crusader Kings III, ambition is a key factor in determining success or failure. Your descendants will want to achieve great things, and you will need to make sure they have the resources to do so.

Ambitions work in two ways: by affecting your ability to raise taxes and by affecting your ability to form alliances. If you can’t muster the funds to support your kin, they may turn on you and try to take control of your realm. Likewise, if you can’t find allies willing to fight by your side, your realm may fall into turmoil.

When do Ambitions work best?

When it comes to succession in Crusader Kings III, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want to make sure that your heir is someone you can trust. Secondly, you want to consider what your ambitions are. If you want to conquer new lands or increase your piety, then an ambition-based system is ideal. However, if all you want is to keep your children safe and secure, then a dynasty-based system may be more suitable. In either case, successions in CKIII can be a complex and intricate process.


In this Crusader Kings III dev diary, we take a look at the new Succession and Ambitions system which will be coming with the game’s next major update. This system allows you to choose your dynasty’s track – from pious and law-abiding to aggressive and expansionist – and see how that impacts your relations with other rulers in the game. You can also try out different ambition choices to see which leads to success on the battlefield or in diplomacy. Be sure to check out our beta test of this feature starting February 25th!


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