
A study on creative professionals reveals a decline in the world of creativity

Creative professionals face many difficulties in creating creative and effective campaigns because of the stressful work environment today, as revealed by the results of a survey by Getty Images iStock during Advertising Week 2013 in New York. Almost half of the creative (48%) believe that levels of creativity in the industry have stagnated or declined in the past decade and nearly 23% said that spend less than two hours a day to ‘creative’ work.

DesigniStock, original Internet provider of stock photos, multimedia files and free design elements of rights, has chosen the company KRC Research to develop the first study ‘Free the Creative’ from more than 400 industry professionals from directors creatively art graphic designers in the United States and the United Kingdom to ascertain the state of creativity in its sector.

The report has revealed that the lack of inspiration, funding and time can be three possible causes that currently hinder creative work:

  • Most (60%) ensures creative than last year had big ideas but not enough time or support to carry them out.
    70% of those surveyed said they would like to have more time to devote to creativity and 63% admit not have enough time for “reflection and creative inspiration”
  • The relationship between time and creativity has been a topic investigated, one of the most comprehensive studies Under The Gun is Creativity by Teresa Amabile, a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, where he discovers that people are less creative when working around and under pressure, as their creativity not only it reduces that day but the next two.

“Our research forces us to reflect on the current state of creativity in really necessary for the global economy industries,” says Ellen Desmarais, Director General of iStock. “Given that the benefits in the advertising industry last year totaled nearly half a billion dollars, reduce creativity should be a cause for alarm and lead to a debate in this sector. The bottom line is we need freedom to be creative.”

Desmarais added, “despite the fact that the creative industry has always been dynamic pressures workloads, deadlines increasingly tight deadlines and limited budgets for creative wear. iStock is the aim of becoming a creative partner, and help creative to find what they are looking for: exclusive and original content at an affordable price.”

Other key factors of the study

  • Creativity is almost never in the workplace: Only 34% choose their workplace as one of its three places to look for creativity. The commute (34%), shower or bath (25%) or exercise (22%) are other favorite places to find inspiration now.
  • The technology helps find creativity: 71% of creative thought to the new tools and technologies have helped them to be more creative in their work.
  • They seek other creative art forms outside of work: Half of the respondents are photographers at your leisure, while almost 30% write, draw or paint as a form of creative escape.

About the author

Roger Walker

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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