Why a blog is important on your website

Having a blog on your website is a good idea for a number of reasons, but before you consider this it is important that you think about whether you have the time to be regularly updating the content, because an out of date blog is worse than no blog at all. Talk this through with your Web Design Cheltenham way such as https://www.absolutecreativemarketing.co.uk/ to see whether it is something that is appropriate for your business.

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A blog can help to increase customer engagement with your company and your website and it can increase the amount of time that people spend on your site which is great for conversions and for your web traffic in general. It can help you to get your message out to large numbers of people in one go as well as giving you the opportunity to establish yourselves as experts in your fields.

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Blogs also help to give you ready-made content for your social media channels as you can share the link to the entire website with your followers as well as taking snippets out of hte blog and turning them into images and posts of their own. This is a great way to manage your content as it gives you lots of things to share by just taking the time to write one long form blog a month. If you have more time you can write more blogs and create more content overall.

About the author

Roger Walker

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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