Choosing the best adhesive for metal to metal bonding

There are more ways to achieve metal to metal bonding than ever before, from age-old thermal joining techniques such as welding, brazing or soldering to mechanical fastening with hardware such as rivets and newer bonding options such as liquid adhesive or tape. If you have been wondering which to choose for your next metal to metal bonding project, read on, as here we look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.

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Metal fastenings

Metal fastenings offer some advantages over other options. They take less skill than welding or other thermal joining techniques and can even be achieved by automation; however, metal fastenings tend to put pressure on certain points of the material, which can in turn lead to uneven load distribution. Rusting can also occur when mechanical fastenings are used, as metals rub together and the gaps allow for oxidation. This can damage the integrity of the materials and the finished product as a whole.

Thermal joining techniques

Welding solves the issue of load distribution, but it is a labour intensive choice that requires specialist knowledge, resources and equipment. Welding offers a more streamlined and clean look in comparison with mechanical fastenings.

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Metal bonding adhesive from specialists such as offer many advantages over traditional methods of affixing metal to metal. Adhesives ensure an even load distribution and can ensure the integrity of thin sheets of metal. Furthermore, this means the occurrence of rust is less likely. It also requires less specialist labour, equipment and resources, saving manufacturing companies money in the long run.

Adhesives are also malleable, which means they can accommodate changes in temperatures or vibrations. This won’t lead to the splitting or breaking of metals that are held in a certain position. Just like welding, adhesives offer a cleaner, more streamlined finish than rivets or other mechanical fastenings. These many advantages may explain why the global composite adhesives market is set to grow rapidly in the next few years.

Each process has its advantages and disadvantages; however, as you can see, metal to metal adhesives offer a wealth of advantages that more traditional methods simply can’t achieve. Most notably, perhaps, liquid and tape adhesives are becoming more commonly used in the aeronautics and the automobile industries, thanks in large to these beneficial factors.

About the author

Roger Walker

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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