How to sell your home.

It is nearly Christmas time and you may have already decided that this is this is going to be the last year that you get the decorating table out so that you can sit all of the family members together for lunch. The teenager daughters clothes demands are bursting the room at the seams and the lad can’t stay in that box room anymore. So it is time to move on and you will need the services of a Estate Agents Bath such as the ones at pritchards-bath to help you make a start. You may not feel you do need an Estate agent but you really do. They can help you sell the place a lot quicker; it’s what they are there for. There are a few other tips that you can do to make sure you get the place gone so that you can concentrate on looking for something else. To give you an idea the average time it takes to sell your home in the UK is four months. The last thing you want is to be worrying that the Turkey will keel over off the dodgy decorating table again.

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There are other things that you can do. The first thing is to give the place a bit of a spruce up. If it looks attractive then it will be more likely to sell. It might be an idea to get the old magnolia out so that the people coming in don’t have to remove your colour scheme. It is then a blank canvas for them and they can start to plan out what they want it to look like. Also, clean the windows. Get a pro in if you have to as there is only so much you can achieve with Windolene or other such cleaning products.  Having a gleaming set of windows letting the sun in can illuminate a room and show its potential. Don’t forget that is what the new buyer is looking for, potential they don’t give a stuff what you’ve done with the house it’s what they can do with it and you have try and think a new. Make sure the garden is tidy as well. It doesn’t have to look like something out of the National Trust or a mini Kew but at least get the grass cut and most of the weeds out.

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Baking bread and having coffee on the go might be a clique but they do work at creating that homely feel you do what you have to do to get the place sold.

About the author

Roger Walker

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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