How to Make Over Your Kitchen on a Budget

A kitchen makeover doesn’t have to cost the earth, as a few small changes can make a big difference to the ‘heart of the home’. The key to renovating on a budget is knowing where to spend your money, which is where the following ideas are designed to help.

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Cabinet Doors

You might read everywhere that the easiest way to revamp your kitchen is to replace cabinet doors, as suggested at, but this may not be as simple or inexpensive as it may seem, especially if your doors aren’t a standard size or you have to replace hinges as well. Instead, considering spray-painting them yourself or, if you have a slightly bigger budget, getting a professional to do it instead. Complete the look with new handles and your kitchen will look like a different space.


Changing your countertop doesn’t have to mean a major expense thanks to the range of affordable options now available. If you’re happy to have Formica laminate rather than granite, for example, then you can make a huge change to your kitchen area at a surprisingly inexpensive price.

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There is no doubt that countertops are a major focal point in any kitchen, however, and so if you do want to splash out on anything, this may be the best bet. Just don’t do things by halves. If you choose a great quartz worktop, for example, pay that little bit extra to have it professionally cut and fitted unless you are really confident in your own abilities.


Changing or adding accent lighting fixtures or striking pendants can add instant elegance. You could browse a reclamation yard in Ireland for the ideal industrial fitting, for example, or buy new if contemporary style is more your thing. Whether you shop at the likes of or John Lewis, there is no doubt that lighting changes can really throw the spotlight on your kitchen’s new look.

When choosing lighting it is important to consider more than just the aesthetic effect you want to achieve, however. Think about the type of light source you want. LED lights, for example, may cost more to start with but can prove far more cost-effective in the longer term. This type of lighting can also provide a softer look than glaring halogen fixtures.

About the author

Roger Walker

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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