It wasn’t until the 1950;’s that television ownership became a major thing in the UK. Up until that point the British public were quite happy to listen to the radio, which had served them well during the recent war years and to the Cinema. The films in those days featured a newsreel programme with events local and around the world. This just backed up what the radio and newspapers said. The television was the domain of the rich and even then they were rather self conscious about it. The first sets came with cabinet doors so you could hide it away when polite company came round and they certainly did not have the pride of place that our flatscreens do know.
The prevailing thought was, “why would I need one fo them?”. They were expensive, unreliable and you had to have a licence (you still do!). This all changed when one historic and culturally defining moment occurred in 1953. Despite objections from the Crown the coronation of Queen Elizabeth the second was going to be televised, much if it on the insistence and direction of Prince Philip to open up the process.
The BBC coverage generated a lot of interest. As the beautiful young Queen ascended the throne and brought hope for the future after the dark war years the country wanted to see it. Neighbours with sets suddenly found their house the centre of attention and those neighbours, suitably impressed, wondered if they should think about getting one of these ‘telly’s’ after all. They, as now, would need TV Aerials Gloucester experts Steve Unett Aerials to get a good reception.