The Basics of Logo Design

First, a logo should be easy to remember. It should be simple to recognise, have a minimal design, and use only a few elements to communicate the message. Remember that most people only see the logo once, so you need to make it easy to remember and stand out in the customer’s mind. In order to make the most impact with your logo, you need to reduce the number of elements.

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A logo should never be overly complicated. It should represent your brand’s core values, differentiate it from others, and capture the audience’s attention. This is not an easy thing to achieve so consulting a professional is a good idea. Avoid intricate imagery and use only one or two colours. A simple design will also scale well and translate well to a range of media. This will ensure that your logo remains relevant for years to come and won’t need rebranding too often. For advice on Web Design Edinburgh to help incorporate your new logo, go to a site such as

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Creating an effective logo is an essential first step in building your brand. A logo is an integral part of a company’s overall brand and is used on nearly every form of communication. When done well, it can build credibility and trust with customers. However, great logos don’t come together overnight. It takes a good logo designer time to learn about your business, hear your vision, and apply the proper processes to bring it all together.


About the author

Roger Walker

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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