The teeth consumed are a problem that involves around 40% of the population without distinction of sex or age. The tooth is a complex organ consisting of a soft connective tissue (dental pulp) enclosed in a chamber of differently mineralized hard tissues (enamel, cement, and dentin). Here is the treatment of worn teeth.
External mineralized tissue in the crown region, enamel, is the highest mineralized tissue in the human body. And is characterized by the absence of cells. Enamel provides the first rigid barrier to the external environment, protecting the tooth from damage. Once damaged, the enamel cannot be regenerated. But repaired by an acellular re-mineralization or by conservative approaches that can take place through a dietary and behavioral re-education.
Causes of worn teeth
In fact, among the causes of teeth consumed there are behavioral factors: particular eating habits. And an incorrect lifestyle that can change the extent of dental erosion. Enamel is consumed through processes of dental erosion, wear, and abrasion.
Dental erosion: it is caused by bad oral habits or abrasive substances; in the daily diet the most acidic sources are citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, alcohol, vinegar or the use of very abrasive toothpaste formulated with whitening substances or microgranules.
There are also acid substances originating from the stomach, such as gastric acids from regurgitation and reflux disorders. The acid attack leads to an irreversible loss of hard dental tissue. Which is accompanied by a progressive softening of the surface; this softened area is more susceptible to mechanical forces, such as abrasion.
Abrasion is tooth wear resulting from tooth to tooth contact. And has little or no effect on hard and healthy dental tissues. In addition to the defined normal wear due to chewing. This consumption of enamel can derive from bruxism.
Bruxism can manifest itself in periods of severe stress and anxiety; unconsciously we tend to clench and grind our teeth especially in sleep. This oral pathology resulting from an unconscious behavior is controllable through the use of a simple bite mask that the dental technician will mold according to the confirmation of the patient’s mouth or you may consult a TMJ dentist in Gilbert Arizona.
Improve and preserve tooth enamel
Because of the non-regenerable nature of tooth enamel, the strategies to improve and preserve it are mostly preventive.
Complete dental regeneration therapy includes measures to reduce the frequency and duration of exposure to acid substances by reducing the consumption of acidic foods and adequate oral hygiene measures.
For example, the act of brushing your teeth is recommended only after about half an hour from the intake of potentially harmful foods for tooth enamel. This is because the tooth attacked by the acid is more sensitive and more prone to abrasion.
To avoid damaging the glaze it is advisable to use brushes with medium-hard or soft bristles, brushing with gentle pressure and without too much force, moving from top to bottom and not from right to left or vice versa.
Drinking water during meals is useful in diluting the acids in the mouth.
In addition to reducing acidic foods it is advisable to accompany them with basically neutral foods such as milk, yogurt, cheese, low-acid fruit and some vegetables which, thanks to the fibers that compose them, perform a “brushing” role simultaneously with the intake of acid foods without allowing time for the latter to begin to dent dental enamel.
In summary, it is useful to better and preserve dental enamel:
-Reduce the consumption of acidic foods or drinks
-Drink enough during the meal to dilute the acid substances ingested
-Consume neutral and high-fiber foods
-Do not use whitening or microgranules
-Use brushes with medium or soft bristles without applying too much pressure
-Use self-modeling bite to protect the enamel in case of bruxism