Make Sure your Home is Suitable if your Elderly Relative is Moving in

A lot of people have struggled over the past year – whether from job losses caused by the closure of many businesses to the mental health consequences of lockdown. One of the groups of people who have suffered a great deal are the elderly, particularly those who live alone and have been unable to get out and see people.

For this reason, many people are choosing to move their elderly relatives into their homes with them to help to combat this loneliness. If this is something that you are considering doing, here are some things that you should consider before you go ahead…

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Make sure that you have the room – You don’t want the house to feel cramped as this can cause a lot of stress – if this is a long term plan it is definitely worth considering extending your home with the help of someone like this house extensions Solihull based company to make sure that everyone has their own space that they can retreat to when they need to.

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If the person moving in has mobility problems have you considered how you can adapt your home to ensure they are safe? They may need a downstairs bathroom or maybe you could put in a stairlift if this is not an option. Other mobility aids such as handrails also may need to be something that you consider adding, as well as ramps for access with a wheelchair or mobility scooter if they use one of these.

About the author

Roger Walker

The writer of this article currently manages his own blog and is managing to do well by mixing online marketing and traditional marketing practices into one.

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