Google Family Link permits controls across a family cluster, permitting parent(s) to manage your child’s devices, to varied degrees. You set up a google account for your child linked to their age range. This account permits you to set ground rules, like dictating which apps your child will use and for how long.
You can even set a time of day on your child’s device and see your child’s location with the app. It is one of the best ways that parents can help to manage the time that their children spend on their devices and it can also be used as a way to deter particular behaviour. I found out about it after I bought my teenager a phone from the vodafone store near me like
With Family Link you’ll be able to approve or block the apps your kid desires to transfer from the Google Play Store. you’ll be able to additionally monitor their screen time, together with sorting out what proportion of time your child spends on their favorite apps, because of weekly or monthly activity reports. And, you’ll be able to set daily screen points in time for his or her device.
Here’s a full list of features:
- Manage the apps in use
- Approve or block apps
- Keep a watch on screen time in terms of times of day as well as length
- See what proportion time they spend on their apps with weekly or monthly activity reports
- Set daily screen points in time for your child’s device
- See your child’s location
- Remotely lock your child’s device